A New Beginning

3D Paper flowers by Katie Cannon Designs

 I don't know exactly what this space will be for me but blogging/writing used to be a passion for me a good many years back. I loved writing and telling a story that was a combination of words and art. I feel like social media has made me into something that can fit into a little square and a quick caption. I hope to be able to take this part of my voice back, and share a little more than what can fit into a little box, more than just a quick caption.

Artwork on wood by Katie Cannon Designs
 I want to take you along on my journey to rediscover my voice and it might look different each time you visit but it will ll be apart of me. More me than what I wish to share on social media. 
I plan on getting back to sharing things I love. books I have read, places I have been, things that I have made. 
Crochet Granny Squares by Katie Cannon Designs
If I have learned anything from social media is that I will never fit in the a niche. I like to try different things and work with all kinds of materials. I kind of chuckle when I hear the words Mixed Media. Why you ask, because that it me in a nut shell. I love working with everything, I knit and crochet, paint, art journal, hand letter, make handmade books, teach art, sketch, doodle, I like to do it all. So just get buckled in and enjoy the journey with me. as we take this road we call life. 
My little creative space inside my larger studio space is where I create for me. No expectations and no worrying if it will be received well over on the Gram. I will share more here but I will share for me not just to see how many followers I can get or how many likes they get. 

I am not saying that all social media is bad but right now for me I need something more that is going to be here after the Instant that it is posted. I have been reading some good books about slowing down and not worrying about missing out on things. I will share more soon. I hope you come back and join me. 
